Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

The Raise of Fuel Oil Price’s Impact

         The raise of fuel oil price in Indonesia is not a strange problem anymore right now. During Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration, the price of fuel oil had been raised for about three times. Certainly, I do not know why it can be like that. What I know is, Indonesian government forcibly has to raise fuel oil price in order to be able to follow the height of world fuel oil price. The government thinks that is the last choice. If the price of fuel oil is not raised, it may cause the raise of APBN fund. If it is, so it causes the less of fuel oil allocation on next August. Seeing that fact, it looks that the government is in the difficult position and has no other choice to solve the problem except by raising the fuel oil price in Indonesia.
            Everything is risky even so for government decision in raising the fuel oil price. That decision of course gives some impacts to Indonesian citizen. The raise of fuel oil price in Indonesia also causes the raise of principle commodity price such as rice, sugar, and vegetable. Surely, it is objectionable to the citizen especially for the lower classes. It will be more difficult to fulfill their daily needs if most of the principle commodity price rises. So, no wonder if many citizens do not agree with that decision. University students, entrepreneurs, even some of the district heads do not support that decision and it makes they do demonstration to against the raise of fuel oil price.
            For me, it is not a bad thing if many citizens do demonstration to against the raise of fuel oil although others think that doing demonstration is useless. I think, settling in the democratic state precisely demands us as the citizen to be more critical in facing many problems in our states and doing demonstration is the way to show the disagreement, right. By seeing this fact, I think that demonstration is the impact of the raise of fuel oil price in Indonesia to the citizen.

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